The Marel V-Cut 160 volumetric portion cutter is designed for small to medium-sized production volumes offering a variety of cuts into fixed weight portions of uniform shape. Also suitable for cutting meat with bones.

Special Features

  • Multiple product types
  • High capacity
  • High flexibility
  • Highest levels of operator safety
  • User friendly operation

Technical Specifications


938x2332x3075 mm


1200 kg

μηχάνημα για κοπή, μεριδοποίηση, πουλερικά, κρέας, αρνιά, σταθερό βάρος και σχήμα, για φρέσκα και επιδερμικά παγωμένα, portion cutting machine for meat ,poultry, fixed weight and shape, for fresh and crust frozen products

Highly accurate positioning